Delivery | Payment | Order

If you have any questions or issues relating to delivery, ordering or payments, please contact your distributor or reseller directly.

Sales Enquiries

Interested in becoming an Oculus for Business customer? Please read through our FAQ here, as it might be able to answer some of your questions.

If you have any further questions relating to purchasing or becoming an Oculus for Business customer, please go here. Our team will contact you as quickly as possible (generally within one to two working days).

Technical Support & Warranty

The Oculus Support team is available to assist you with any technical, hardware or warranty related enquiries related to your Oculus for Business purchase. If you have multiple questions or issues that need to be addressed, please only open one ticket.

If you have questions around the Oculus for Business solution, including Legal, Workplace, transfer and leasing, please refer to our FAQ prior to submitting a ticket.

For customers with Enterprise Support, please log in to your Device Manager to submit a ticket.

If you do not have Enterprise Support or access to Device Manager, please go here to submit a ticket.