

  1. 确保所有的头戴设备仍处于开启状态,并已插入。

    • 您可查看头戴设备前面的指示按钮,确认其是否开启。

  2. 确保您的 Android 手机已连接至一个开放式或 WPA2 Wi-Fi 网络。

  3. 确保 Android 手机上的蓝牙仍处于开启状态。Oculus 头戴设备上的蓝牙会自动开启。

  4. 确认设备已开启且手机上的蓝牙和 WiFi 都处于启用状态后,请在设备设置应用中点击重试

    • 虽然您会在设备设置应用中看到已成功预配的设备,但应用将跳过这些设备,仅针对预配失败或未预配的设备重新进行预配。



  1. 前往 Workplace 登录页面,点击忘记密码?

  2. 输入您用来访问设备管理工具的电子邮箱地址,然后点击下一步

  3. 按屏幕上的其余说明重置您的密码,并在完成后重新登录设备管理工具。

如果您遇到 Oculus for Business 头戴设备充电问题,请尝试以下步骤:

  • 充电时,确保充电线已正确连接至头戴设备。如果不确定,请从头戴设备和电源适配器上拔下充电线,然后重新插上。

  • 充电时,确保头戴设备侧边的 LED 指示灯亮起。如果 LED 指示灯未亮起橙色或绿色,则说明头戴设备没有正确充电。

  • 头戴设备未充电和使用时,请将其关闭或切换为睡眠模式。

  • 确保头戴设备的近距离传感器未被头戴设备滑带或其他物体遮挡。

    • 注意:对于 Oculus Quest 和 Quest 2 头戴设备,近距离传感器位于鼻梁位置上方。


在调整 Oculus for Business 头戴设备滑带时:

  • 不要过度拉扯滑带或用力过大。

  • 请逐条拉紧滑带。

To troubleshoot deploying an app to a single headset, try these steps:

  1. Reboot the headset to initiate a sync with Device Manager and the app should begin to download.

  2. Check the headset periodically while the app finishes downloading. The time to download can depend on size and internet speed. If there are still no signs of the app, reboot the headset again. This should begin the installation of the app if it has finished downloading.

  3. Confirm the app has downloaded and installed to your headset.

To troubleshooting deploying an app to a group of headsets, try these steps:

  1. From Device manager, move any headsets that failed to install the app out of the group and into All Devices.

  2. Delete the app from each indivual headset by clicking on the headset, clicking Apps, clicking Three dots horizontal. next to the app that failed to install, then clicking Delete.

  3. Reboot the headsets.

  4. Add the app back to each headset by clicking on the headset, clicking Apps, clicking + Add, selecting the app from the drop down menu, then clicking Add App.

  5. Reboot the headsets.

  6. Confirm that the app has installed on each headset, then move the headsets back into the group in Device Manager.