To remove an app from Device Manager:

  1. From Device Manager, click Apps.

  2. Click next to the app you want to remove, then click Delete.

  3. Click Delete App.

Removing an app from Device Manager will uninstall it from all devices and remove it from your App Library.

To remove an app from a headset or group of headsets:

  1. From Device Manager, click Device Fleet.

  2. Click the headset or group of headsets you want to remove an app from, then click Apps.

  3. Click next to the app you want to remove, then click Delete.

  4. Click Uninstall App from the prompt.

Once the headsets has synced with Device Manager, the app will be removed. If this sync doesn't happen automatically, restarting the headset may help.

Bear in mind that if you remove an app that is set to be used in Kiosk Mode, you'll need to set up a new Kiosk Mode app for any headsets that were affected.