Using Admin Mode

Admin mode allows you to edit the settings of an individual headset using a PIN. Each headset's PIN can be set up and changed from Device Manager.

Admin mode allows admins to adjust settings locally for individual headsets. This can be useful if a user is actively using a headset but needs a setting adjusted. Admin mode can be accessed in VR by entering an established four-digit PIN.

To enable admin mode:

  1. From your Device Fleet page, select the headset or group of headsets that you want to enable admin mode for.

  2. Click the Settings tab from the fly-out menu on the right-hand side.

  3. Switch the Admin Mode toggle to on.

  4. Create a four-digit PIN.

  5. Once you've finished, hit the X in the top-right corner of the fly-out menu to save your settings and exit the menu.

Remember to let the other admins know what the PIN is so that they can adjust settings locally on each headset as needed.

Settings adjustments to individual headsets can be made locally through admin mode.

To enter admin mode:

  1. Turn on the headset.

  2. Select See All from the bottom menu bar.

  3. When prompted, enter the admin mode PIN using the VR PIN pad.

    • The default PIN for admin mode is 1234. You can update you admin mode PIN at any time from the Device Manager settings panel.

  4. Upon successfully entering the admin mode PIN, you'll be able to adjust the headset's settings locally. Once you've finished, select the blue admin mode button from the bottom toolbar to exit admin mode.