You can manage your admins from the People section of your Device Manager dashboard. Admins must have an email account within your company's domain and must also have an active Workplace account.

To invite a new admin to Device Manager:
  1. From Device Manager, click People.

  2. Enter the person's name or email address into the search bar under Add an Admin.

  3. Find their name in the drop-down list and click Add to Device Manager.

To invite someone to Workplace:

If the name of the person you'd like to add doesn't populate in the search bar, you'll need to add them to your company's Workplace first. To do this, click Go to Workplace at the top of the People page.

You'll need to be a Workplace admin to add someone to your company's workplace.

To revoke someone's Device Manager admin privileges:
  1. From Device Manager, click People.

  2. Below Device Manager Admins, click next to the name of the person you want to revoke admin privileges for.

  3. Click Disable Admin Account.

To remove someone from Workplace:

If you want to remove someone from a workplace, you'll need to do this from the Workplace admin console by clicking Go to Workplace at the top of the People page.