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Hand Tracking Privacy Notice

Last Updated: 22 June 2020
What is hand tracking?
Instead of using your Touch controllers to navigate in VR, you can now use your hands as input in selected applications when using Oculus for Business Enterprise Software. Your organisation has the choice to turn on this feature.
How to enable hand tracking
To enable this feature, your system administrator should select a group of devices in Device Manager and navigate to the "Settings" tab, and toggle the "Enable hand tracking" feature under "User controls". Your system administrator can disable hand tracking at any time by toggling the feature "off" in Device Manager.
How hand tracking works
When hand tracking is enabled, our software analyses images of your hands from the sensors on your headset to estimate certain points on your hands, such as your knuckles or fingertips. This analysis is done on your device in real time as your hands are moving. The images and estimated points of your hands are deleted after processing and are not stored on your device or on our servers.
Based on the estimated points, the software estimates the size of your hands, the location of your hands in VR and the way your hands move in VR, including the orientation and configuration of your fingers. This estimated hand size and hand movement data is represented by standardised numerical values such as 0 or 1. We cannot use the images of your hands, the estimated points or the estimated hand size or hand movement data to identify you.
To ensure that you have a consistent experience, we store your most recent estimated hand size on your device so we can automatically show your hands in the right size when you put on the headset again.
What Oculus collects
Oculus does not collect images or estimated points of your hands. As stated above, this data is processed on the device and deleted once processing is completed.
To improve the hand tracking feature, Oculus collects certain data from your device when you choose to use hand tracking. This data may include your estimated hand size and the hand movement data mentioned above. If your device crashes, we also collect crash logs that may contain similar information. This data is stored and may be associated with your organisation in order to improve the hand tracking feature. If your organisation deletes its account or if your device is factory reset, the data associated with your organisation will be deleted or disassociated from your organisation.
What data is collected by developers?
When your system administrator enables hand tracking and you use an application that supports this feature, apps will collect your estimated hand size and hand movement in order for hand tracking to work. See our Privacy Disclosure for more information about how third parties access your data.
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